Let yourself be guided by the Magdalene
Into the very Roots of the Mother, into Her Sacred Yoni-Earth Temple, the deep dark divine nourishing Womb of Creation
You are entering Holy Ground here
In profound Love, Reverence,
Gratitude and Devotion
to HER, the MAGDALENE, the ROSE,
to Our Priestess Temple, Our Yogini Circle, Our Shakti Field,
to Maleda Gebremedhin, Chameli Ardagh, Elayne Kalila Doughty, Lisa Schrader, Mayonah Bliss,
to each and every Yogini, Priestess and Shakti Sister,
to each and every Sacred Wom(b)an,
to each and every Sovereign Queen within.
I welcome You all from my Sacred Heart,
Queens of the Magdalene Rose,
Queens of the Divine Heart,
Queens of Love.
I welcome You all from my Sacred Womb,
Queens of the Magdalene Chalice,
Queens of the Holy Womb,
Queens of Love.
I welcome You all from my Holy Yoni Temple,
Queens of the Magdalene Blood,
Queens of the Sacred Portal of Life,
Queens of Love.
I bow to Her Divine Orchestration,
to Her Majestic Manifestation,
to Her Holy Creation.
For us to remember again,
For us to gather again,
For us to walk as Love again.
Daughter of the Mother, this is an invitation
Come home back to your true roots, to belonging, to grounding, to remembering, to restoring the sacredness within you.
> Profound Connection to our Womb
> Rootedness in our Mother-line
> Awakened Embodiment
> Wholeness & Holiness
> Nourishing Love
> Deep Purpose
Journey with AnuMa
A Pilgrimage into the Roots of the Mother through the Guidance of the Magdalene
An intimate in-person Retreat into the heart of the Magdalene’s holy sites in the South of France and into the depths of your Wom(b)an calling.
An Inner Journey into the depths of the Mother through 7 Sacred Gates, guided by the Magdalene
A 9 Days online immersion – from the entrance into the very heart of the Magdalene’s enchanted forest and into the Mother’s Holy Yoni Cave.
Poetry, Writings, Images transmissions inspired by the Mother and the Magdalene
Collected from my various pilgrimages and inner journeys experienced over the years. May they offer deep remembrance of feminine guidance.
Praise from the Women
“AnuMa weaves together the practicalities of being a guide with the power of transmission, drawn deeply from the well of the Great Mother. The fiery sparkle of inspiration from her lived connection with Magdalene in all her manifestations is tangible, infectious and transformative.”
— Dr. Eline Kieft, Change Facilitator and Founder of Clover Trail
“AnuMa ist wohl die Verkörperung einer Priesterin der neuen Zeit. Ihr großes Herz, ihr Mitgefühl und Einfühlungsvermögen ist gepaart mit dem Zugang zum Wissen der Großen Mutter, so sind ihre Worte weise und doch vertraut. Sie glüht in ihrer tiefen Liebe zu Pacha Mama und ihren Töchtern. Ihr Feuer für Maria Magdalena entzündet unsere Herzen und ihre Magie als Ritual-Leiterin bleibt tief in jeder Zelle eingebrannt. Sie lebt und liebt, was sie mit und in ihrem Körper erfahren hat, so bleibt jede Begegnung mit ihr ein Seelen-Abdruck.”
— Henrike Baumgartner, Bewusstseinstrainerin, Energetikerin, Autorin
"AnuMa has a graceful, joyful and deep way to guide you to your inner and outer sacred places of deep and ancient feminine wisdom. She leads you to sources and power places of the sacred feminine that will deeply nourish you and are unforgettable pilgrimages that will change your life."
— Katrin Kohlbecher, Movement Medicine Teacher, Sacred Photographer
“Die leidenschaftliche und sympathische Art von AnuMa ein Seminar zu führen hat mich tief berührt. AnuMa ist eine kraftvolle Frau, die sich tief auf ihr Frausein einlässt und die Gabe hat, die verschiedenen Klangfarben von Feminität auch in anderen zu erblicken und zu würdigen. Ihre hingebungsvolle Verehrung des Frauseins war für mich als Vertreterin des weiblichen Geschlechts sehr heilsam zu erfahren und hat mich nachhaltig beeindruckt. Die angenehme, spritzige, humorvolle Ausstrahlung von AnuMa hat mich sehr freudvoll durch die Tages des gemeinsamen Seminars begleitet.”
— Maria Noisternig, Sacred Professional Photographer, Psychologist, Anthropologist